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Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

A comfortable pregnancy followed by a healthy labor and delivery are things most expecting women are always hoping for! Pregnancy is an exciting time and bringing a new life into the world is truly incredible.


That being said, your body goes through a significant number of changes as it prepares for birth. As your body changes, you may experience new symptoms related to pregnancy. Chiropractic care has been shown to help with:


  • Low back pain and/or sciatica

  • Round ligament pain

  • Reflux and digestive challenges

  • More comfortable labor and delivery

Pregnancy chiropractic

As with all of our patients, we base our care on your unique needs. Your comfort is our top priority. We have pregnancy pillows that you can lie on during an adjustment.  Your care plan and frequency of visits will change as you progress throughout your pregnancy and we will be sure to discuss it all with you.

Dr. Erica is trained in the Webster Technique. This is a specific method of analyzing and adjusting the pelvis with an emphasis on sacral alignment. With a combination of a safe, gentle adjustment, in conjunction with soft tissue work, this technique results in optimal space for a growing and developing baby.

Webster Technique

If you have specific questions about chiropractic care during pregnany, contact our office today!

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